Manzanita identification workshops
My colleague, Mike Vasey, and I have conducted manzanita identification workshops since around 1993. So we feel pretty competent in these workshops.
We wrote the treatments for Arctostaphylos for the Flora of North America and the Jepson Manual 2nd Ed., along with a colleague, Jon Keeley. So the keys to the plants are quite familiar to us.
We've done these workshops mostly for the Jepson Herbarium and the Herbarium at Chico State University, but a few other places as well. Feel free to contact us if you have a group that would be interested. Best timing of the year is late May to early June.
Contact: tom "at" or parker "at"
Contact: tom "at" or parker "at"
Tom Parker explaining characters
Manzanita specimens for keying
Mike Vasey helping a group keying
Chico State herbarium workshop
Workshop group at UCSB, at work!
We usually bring 50-60 taxa to key